Mi-STAR Unit Lauded by NGSS
Monday, August 10, 2020
Mi-STAR’s Unit 6.4 was featured in the July 2020 issue of NGSS News, the newsletter of the Next Generation Science Standards. The article, “New High Quality Middle School Unit Posted,” summarizes the unit as follows:
In this Mi-STAR unit, students explore how a case can protect a cell phone from the forces when it is dropped or crushed . . . and use engineering practices, forces and motion ideas, and systems modeling to design a cell phone case to meet specific criteria and constraints.
See the unit and the corresponding EQuIP Rubric for Science report here.
“We’re excited that NGSS has recognized the efforts of Mi-STAR staff and teachers,” said Gregg Bluth, Mi-STAR curriculum development and implementation associate. “It’s very gratifying to receive this level of positive feedback.”
After undergoing an extensive peer review process using the EQuIP Version 3.0 rubric, Unit 6.4: Protecting Your Cell Phone from Damaging Forces was recently recognized by NextGenScience as a high-quality unit aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.
Copyright © 2025 Mi-STAR
Mi-STAR was founded in 2015 through generous support provided by the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation. Mi-STAR has also received substantial support from the National Science Foundation, the MiSTEM Advisory Council through the Michigan Department of Education, and Michigan Technological University.