Applications are now open for the Mi-STAR Facilitator Pathway for summer 2019
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Applications are now open for the Mi-STAR Facilitator Pathway for summer 2019. The Facilitator Pathway is for individuals with the appropriate STEM background and previous experience who will support teachers to implement the Mi-STAR Curriculum. The Pathway consists of a brief virtual component in addition to three days of face-to-face training during the summer. There will be three options for the face-to-face training this summer:The standard enrollment fee for the Facilitator Pathway is $850 per participant, but because of the funding Mi-STAR received from MDE and the MiSTEM Advisory Council the 2019 enrollment fee will be $45/participant.
- Oakland Schools, Waterford Township, MI, June 19-21 (*spots are limited and priority will be given to Oakland County applicants)
- Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI, July 10-12
- Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, July 23-25
Please read through this document for more information about the 2019 Mi-STAR Professional Learning Facilitator Program. Interested applicants should review the qualifications and expectations in the attached document and then complete the linked Application Form by May 6, 2019 in order to be given priority consideration.
Copyright © 2025 Mi-STAR
Mi-STAR was founded in 2015 through generous support provided by the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation. Mi-STAR has also received substantial support from the National Science Foundation, the MiSTEM Advisory Council through the Michigan Department of Education, and Michigan Technological University.