Welcome to the Mi-STAR blog!
Monday, February 1, 2016
The goal of this blog is to provide regular updates on Mi-STAR progress, and useful information at the leading edge of science education. Â We are excited for this journey of developing and implementing an integrated, problem-based curriculum with students and educators across Michigan at the dawn of the new Michigan Science Standards. We'd love to have you follow along. Â To subscribe, enter your email address on the left column of this page under Subscribe to Mi-STAR News.
Highlights of Mi-STAR accomplishments to-date include:
- Spring 2015- Developed a Curriculum Design Guide and sequenced Performance Expectations into integrated bundles that cover the full middle school grade band. Created Mi-STAR Academy, an online course that offers an introduction to NGSS and best practices in curriculum development for integrated, NGSS-aligned curricula. Piloted professional development exercises with 30 science teachers from across the state.
- Summer 2015- Forty-nine teachers from 29 different schools participated in 9 two-week curriculum development hubs at 5 universities throughout the state. These teachers, with the support of facilitators and content experts, developed the core components of 12 units while gaining professional development experience.
- Fall 2015- Five Michigan schools began pilot testing units on Population Dynamics, Sustainable Building Materials, and Global Climate. Pilot testing will continue through early spring 2016.
- Spring 2016– Developing model lessons based on feedback from the first pilot testing phase. Preparing curriculum materials for expansion and refinement by teacher/scientist teams in Summer 2016. Implementing an online graduate course for middle and high school science teachers, Teaching Science in Three Dimensions: The NGSS in Theory and Practice. Beginning mid-February, we will offer all Michigan educators the Mi-STAR Academy: Online Professional Development for Michigan Science Standards.
Future blog posts will include information about attributes of science education that engages learners, pilot Mi-STAR units, research findings, conference presentations, resources, and more. Look for new blog posts on the 1st and 15th of each month!
Copyright © 2025 Mi-STAR
Mi-STAR was founded in 2015 through generous support provided by the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation. Mi-STAR has also received substantial support from the National Science Foundation, the MiSTEM Advisory Council through the Michigan Department of Education, and Michigan Technological University.